Effects of Weed and Smoking

Weed is obtained from dried leaves of cannabis plant. It may also be made from water, spices, or milk.  It is considered one of the most abused drugs around the world. There has been an increased use of weed over the past years among young people. There is need for them to be sensitized on its effects.

It is smoked as a cigarette or in a dry pipe. One may also mix it with food such as cakes or cookies then eaten or it can be mixed with tea. Smoking vs. eating weed effects are listed below:

Short- term effects of weed

These are effects that normally occur immediately and they eventually wear off after some few hours. Immediately after a person is done smoking weed, he may have a feeling of being relaxed. Most people term it as ‘being high.’ This is because it contains THC which makes the brain to react to pleasure.  Other short-term effects include:

Dryness of the mouth

An increased heart rate

The eyes become swollen and also turn red.

Lessened coordination

An increased risk of addiction

Most people who use weed tend to use it over and over again. This is due to the relation it gives. Some people have to have it on their daily meals or drinks. People who get addicted to it at a younger age are more likely to experience its effects earlier compared to those who started using it during adult life.

Effect on the brain

Smoking vs. eating weed effects on the brain includes memory loss, anxiety, loss of motivation and depression. One may develop an impaired brain in certain regions of the brain. This may make an individual less active in activities that require a greater degree of integration.

Effect on social life

A student, who uses weed, may not perform well in school due to its effects on the brain. The student may drop out of school in order to abuse it. Increased use leads to memory loss which may make it hard for one to remember things.

Long- term effects

These are effects that occur after a month or years. They include:

One may be unable to comprehend different information

An increased risk of contracting infections

Having no incentive to motivation

Respiratory difficulties


The effects of this drug should be treated early enough before it can lead to adverse effects on the body. Counseling should also be offered for those struggling with addiction.

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