Glaucoma Treatment Using Cannabis Products

Cannabis is a tall Indian hemp plant composed of three psychoactive groups: Cannabis indica, Cannabis sativa and Cannabis ruderalis. The drug which is also known as Marijuana is used for medicinal and reactional purposes BC weed delivered .  

Glaucoma Disease. 

Glaucoma is a health condition where the eyeball encounters intraocular pressure leading to gradual loss of eye sight. 

Just as other glaucoma medications, cannabinoids tend to reduce intraocular pressure when administered intravenously, inhaled or orally taken.  

The two most common ways of administering cannabis is smoking the drug or orally taking Tetrahydrocannabinol which is an ingredient of Cannabis. 

  1. Smoking method. 

Some people prefer smoking of cannabis or marijuana to lower the eye pressure since it is an easy way. The consumed marijuana last 3-4hours hence calls for more consumption of at least 8 times daily to be of great medicinal help. This leads to health drawbacks as too much consumption leads to health disorders such as lung diseases.  

  1. Tetrahydrocannabinol also known as (THC). 

Is normally taken orally and administered under the tongue. THC is used to treat Glaucoma and is perceived less risky compared to smoking which affects the lungs. Drowsiness and loss of judgements are some of the side effects of using THC.  

Health Drawbacks Obtained from Using Marijuana as Glaucoma Treatment. 

  1. A damaged Optic Nerve. 

Cannabis lowers blood pressure despite the ability of lowering the eye pressure. Low blood pressure normally leads to low supply of blood to the optic nerve. An optic nerve is a sensitive nerve which when damaged may lead to total blindness hence using harmful drugs is great risk. It is advisable that the Glaucoma patients should first visit an optician before attempting the consumption of marijuana.  

  1. Cardiovascular Effects. 

Marijuana consumption reduces blood pressure and also causes psychological effects in return. Cannabis affects the cardiovascular system as it deforms the heart operations making the heart to pound in an abnormal way. Such a situation may lead to stroke, heart attacks or any other heart diseases. 

       c)Brain Damage. 

Tetrahydrocannabinol changes the operations of hippocampus inside your brain which leads to memory problems. 

      d)Respiratory Disorders. 

Cannabis has very harmful products which when inhaled may damage your bronchis and lungs. After the consumption, a Glaucoma patient may experience a phlegmy cough or burning throat which is an unbearable situation. 

Take Away

Cannabis has both short- and long-term effects on the body which are beneficial and harmful to the health of a Glaucoma patient. Although the drug reduces the Intraocular pressure, there are many health risks embraced by the users. The drawbacks include dopamine release, weak immune system, poor digestion, brain damage, respiratory disorders among others. 

Taking a risk is a personal move despite the negative effects hence any Glaucoma patient intending to consume Marijuana may alter it to other conventional medication.